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  • Writer's pictureRomina H

Site Journal 5

Coming back to my site Journal spot after it has snowed makes City Park look very sad. The trees no longer look yellow, orange, and red. I feel like they mostly all look bald now and I feel like if anything it just makes the park look a little scary because the trees just look so dead. But with this, I feel like the end of the colorful fall trees signifies the end of a chapter. I feel like this slowly resonates with the time of the quarter, as we're starting to wrap up the quarter, and it makes me reflect on the past 10 weeks. I feel like the beginning of the quarter was very hard for me, I feel like at the beginning of the quarter, I had barely came home from Mexico, and I always feel very sad for about a month every time I come back from Mexico and I feel like as corny or cheesy as it sounds I didn't have time to grieve peacefully this time around, because about a week after coming back I started school, so I feel like I only had a week to get organized before school started. So I felt like I was sad because I missed Mexico, and I also felt really overwhelmed with just the big change of college and just adjusting to my new schedule, which I feel like aligned with the weather in a way because the leaves were slowly changing and turning yellow and orange / red. Similarly looking back now, I feel like I'm slowly adjusting to my new schedule or more so being in college and I feel like this new beginning or way of looking at my new college life can be represented with the first snowfall, because it once again symbolizes a sense of change. I feel like there's not many trees I can really identify at this point because they all look bald, but I did appreciate discovering the ones I did see, and for the most part most of the grass kind of just looks dead already which sucks. I do however see more ducks in the pond and I guess it makes sense because they like the colder weather.

I also reflect on the music I've been listening to on my walks and I also see how they change over time, which makes me realize how I'm constantly changing and I don't realize it, yet sometimes I'm scared of change. I feel like it makes me not be so scared of change, because I see how with the seasons, with my music taste, with time I change and evolve to be a different person, but that shouldn't scare me and neither should any changes that come into my life.

On another note, I have noticed that outside my house, we’ve had a little visitor for over a year now. There's been a rabbit that lives by the shack we have in our backyard, and it just wanders around our backyard all the time. We see him on a daily basis and I named him Peter Robinson. My mom says that around this time last year, he was very small and even had a baby face, and now he looks so much bigger and he's gotten chunky. We've tried leaving him carrots but he doesn't like them, and we've left lettuce for him and he does like it, so I just thought I would share a little about Peter Robinson. Here's a picture of him I took today actually, and I feel like he kind of means a lot to me, because not to get deep or sad, but my grandma passed away 2 years ago and she was in her late 90s, and she loved having stuffed animals, so when my mom and dad went to her funeral in Mexico, I told them to bring me back this stuffed rabbit she would always carry with her, and they brought it back to me and I always have her with me,I don't know if that's creepy, but having this rabbit live in our backyard for over a year just reminds me of her and I just think it's so cute.

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